Why is ReactJS Becoming the Preferred Framework for Startups?

Discover Why ReactJS is Essential for Startup Web and Mobile App Development

Startups usually don’t have the luxury of trying and erring with technologies. Each attempt costs money and time. Thus, the sooner they identify and the more accurately they choose, the better! If you empathize with this fact and are looking for a framework to build an interactive UI and deliver a rich user experience, let’s make decision-making for you more straightforward and quicker. Choose ReactJS!

ReactJS, an open-source JavaScript library, enables businesses, including startups, to create interactive and engaging web and mobile applications. As a startup, the initial days of your market journey matter a lot. Accordingly, ReactJS can help you provide a unique and fantastic user experience. It could help you stay ahead in the league!

But why is ReactJS such a competent choice, especially for startups? Or, how can startups benefit from ReactJS for web and mobile app development? Here are six reasons or advantages that speak for ReactJS’s fame across the global startup landscape.

7 Benefits of ReactJS for Startups

We won’t dive as much into the technicalities of ReactJS. Instead, we’ll focus on why ReactJS is a strategic and commercially advantageous choice with these benefits.

​1. Used by Global Companies

Ever wondered why people are so much in love with applications like Airbnb, Instagram, Facebook, and Skype or prefer interacting with brands like Walmart, Myntra, etc.? Of course, there could be hundreds of reasons. But one of the most significant ones is the interactive and highly engaging UI these global brands offer. Thanks to ReactJS, which runs relentlessly at the backend to make these applications adorable.

The above companies aren’t startups. But they’ve been using ReactJS for a considerable time. Besides, the results in the form of engagement are already evident. Thus, ReactJS’s credibility and trustworthiness across the global horizon are unquestionable.

2. Extensive Technical Capabilities

ReactJS offers many technical edges. Some of them include the following.

  • ReactJS requires minimal coding.
  • Developers can reuse codes and save time, money, and effort in rewriting them.
  • Single-way data flow leads to code stability. The flow ensures a sorted and simplified modification process without disturbing the parent structure.
  • The framework offers the best debugging and designing tools.
  • It is compatible with React Native, which allows you to build an excellent mobile app for your startup and helps scale your business.
  • ReactJS has a virtual DOM that eliminates substantial codes like jQuery and other bootstrapping libraries.
  • During migration, ReactJS allows you to add your code to the existing infrastructure at any instance. It helps save the efforts in rewriting the code, minimize migration-related hassles and reduce the overall migration cost.

​3. Accelerated Application Development

ReactJS can easily optimize all the reusable components. Thus, your app developers can seamlessly integrate various new aspects into the app development process. You can continuously monitor the project and expedite app development. However, while enabling quicker app development, ReactJS doesn’t affect the app’s quality or features.

Thus, with ReactJS, you can build a high-quality and performance application in a relatively short time. It could prove beneficial, as quicker development can reduce the time to market and potentially help you gain the early launch advantage.

​4. Efficient Cross-Platform App Development

ReactJS helps develop high-performance apps on Android and iOS. It allows developers to integrate reusable codes without writing new ones. Additionally, ReactJS eliminates the need for other programming languages like Swift, Objective C, Java, etc.

Here, you have a cost advantage as well. With ReactJS, you don’t have to hire two teams for Android and iOS app development. A single team can work on both. Besides, using a single code for both OS's eliminates the need for recompiling the apps.

​5. SEO-Friendliness

As a startup, you would want to do everything to be seen across search engine results. Given this digital need, ReactJS can help. It is an SEO-friendly framework that reduces page loading time via quicker rendering. In addition, it drives SEO by enabling search engines to crawl JavaScript-heavy applications, thus enhancing virtual visibility.

​6. Extensive Community Support

Startup owners often dread situations wherein they are technically stuck, and don't have support readily available. While your ReactJS app development company can help you sail through safely, the framework also offers extensive community support. It receives contributions from developers worldwide every day. ReactJS has 1300+ regular contributors and more than 130,000 stars on GitHub.

In addition, you could access expert content in the form of videos, blogs, articles, etc. So, suppose you are stuck; the community might have an answer ready!

Make the Most from ReactJS. Get the Trinesis ReactJS Development Advantage

Having known the benefits of using ReactJS, you might now be wondering about the best ReactJS app development companies. We’ve got an answer for the latter as well!

Trinesis is precisely the company that can help you optimize every essential aspect of ReactJS. Our unmatched expertise and proven track record of developing impeccable web and mobile apps on ReactJS make us a standout. 

Email +1 707-760-7730 or  sales@trinesis.com to learn more and discuss your needs with our expert developers.

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